5 Data Metrics To Check Before Choosing Influencer in 2023


5 Data Metrics To Check Before Choosing Blogger or Influencer in 2023

Choosing the right influencer is crucial. Many brands make the mistake of hiring someone with a big name and famous just because they can afford to. And they make this mistake every year:) But the influencer you choose should perfectly be from your brand sphere and have an audience that aligns with your targets. To choose an influencer in 2023 you should consider your brand values and campaign goals, choose a specific channel, and know your buyer persona and key metrics.

In this blogpost, we will talk about the 5 data metrics that will help you make the right decision.

1. Engagement rates.

The engagement rate is a more significant metric than ever. Engagement helps a brand to measure the effectiveness of influencer actions and understand audience engagement with their content by:

Likes & views: Clicks can determine influencers’ audience’s level of interest.

Clicks: These data metrics show quantify the buzz around influencer content.

Shares: This metric shows how many people recommend influencers’ content to their social media. Therefore, you can know the probability of recommendations for your products.

Comments: Using this metric, you can determine whether or not the audience likes content based on the number and nature of comments. A simple analysis of the comments under the posts gives an objective picture of the quality of the influencer’s audience. Real followers engage in a dialogue with the blogger, and the twisted comments look the same and often do not coincide with the topic of the post.

Depending on the goals of the brands when buying advertising from bloggers, these indicators can be used separately or together.

2. Content Production (UGC).

In 2023 content production is one of the key influencer metrics to check when you want to plan an influencer marketing campaign. As it is not enough to see that they’re using keywords relevant to your brand.
You need to assess influencers’ posts: How many posts does the influencer you are interested in share per week? Do they create quality videos? Do they take well-composed images? Do they craft good captions or descriptions? Do their posts sound authentic? etc.
Therefore, you will know the influencer’s personality much better, and you can decide if it is relevant to your brand style. Also, it is the kind of content their audience expects, and that’s most likely how they will create content for your brand and influencer marketing campaign. Also, pay attention to the amount of content. A blogger’s profile should not have too many integrations. On YouTube, one-and-a-half-hour releases can add up to 2 advertising inserts, on Instagram – no more than 30% of the entire content.

3. Brand post mentions.

This metric gives you an idea of the types of brands usually influencers mention or worked with, usually, influencers mention or worked with, and what values and goals they share with their audience. And do they match yours? After checking whether the blogger has worked with your competitors and if among the ads you come across advertisements such as online casinos, network marketing, and dealers of prohibited products, then it is better not to cooperate with such a blogger.

4. Reputation of the influencer.

One of the first things to look for when choosing a blogger in 2023 is their reputation. This metric is also related to the previous one. The brand needs to answer the following questions: Is the influencer known for good/bad/cool behavior? Have they made inappropriate deeds in the past? Is an influencer a positive individual and aligns with your brand values and tone of voice? If you observe some red flags, then this blogger is not your ideal choice. We are entering the era of reputation marketing, and the best thing brand experts can do when working with influencers is to be careful about which bloggers they work with and choose professional and experienced bloggers who prioritize humanity and openness.

5. Audience Quality.

This metric shows brands, that the influencer has authentically engaged real people in the audience. If a blogger has up to 80 publications and more than 100,000 followers in his account, it is an obvious sign that the audience was not gathered naturally. In reality, by ordering advertising from a blogger with 1 million followers, you will get coverage of 100-200 thousand people. Therefore, the more real bloggers and fewer others (commercial, suspicious, and mass followers), the better the return on placement will be. You can check audience cheating through specialized services.


Do not stop at 2-3 candidates, even if they seem perfect to your brand. It is not a fact that you will be able to agree with them, so you should have a decent list. We recommend choosing at least 50 people – 7-12% of them will show a willingness to cooperate. And then everything depends on how you will conduct negotiations.

Feel free to share your opinion on working with influencers and what metric helps you to choose your ideal bloggers. And if you have any questions, please contact us via social media or emailing team@heylink.me.

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